God’s Grandeur: Ann Gauger on Beauty, Intelligibility, and Human Uniqueness
God’s Grandeur: Ann Gauger on the Scientific Case for Design
Defining Theistic Evolution
The Top Ten Scientific Problems with Biological and Chemical Evolution
Douglas Axe co-author of Science & Human Origins
Apes can’t read, so why can we? Does science show we’re related to apes, or is the evolutionary tale of common ancestry false?
Science & Human Origins, the provocative new book from Discovery Institute Press, boldly addresses some of the most popular evolutionary arguments pertaining to controversial claims that humans and apes are related through common ancestry. Read More ›
What ‘Ida’ Give for a Missing Link
As a follower of the evolution debate, I love it when new “missing links” are found. Not only does the media plunge headfirst into a crusade for Darwin, but suspiciously, it is only after unveiling the breakthrough that evolutionary biologists admit how precious little evidence they previously held for the evolutionary transition in question. Take the recent media coverage of Read More ›
A Primer on the Tree of Life
Evolutionists often claim that universal common ancestry and the “tree of life” are established facts. One recent opinion article argued, “The evidence that all life, plants and animals, humans and fruit flies, evolved from a common ancestor by mutation and natural selection is beyond theory. It is a fact. Anyone who takes the time to read the evidence with an Read More ›
Intelligent Design Has Scientific Merit in Paleontology
[Editor’s note: This article was posted as part of a series of articles both for and against ID at OpposingViews.com.] “What one actually found was nothing but discontinuities. All species are separated from each other by bridgeless gaps; intermediates between species are not observed. … The problem was even more serious at the level of the higher categories.”1—Leading 20th Century Read More ›
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Upon learning of an employee’s defection to a rival company, one prominent CEO launched a chair across the room. Commenting on the incident in the Washington Post, eminent primatologist Frans de Waal noted that the CEO acted like an ape. But de Waal (and the Post for that matter) wasn’t kidding; he took this incident as further proof of common Read More ›