Marvin Olasky

Senior Fellow, Center for Science and Culture


Going Deeper

The homes were all of different colors—and trauma colored each of my new neighbors’ stories, as I would find out. 

Motivations to Change

Recognizing the trauma means not insisting on too much too soon, but providing incentives to go beyond thinking about how to get the next meal and the next night’s sleep.

The Middle of the Country

Judges give men and women who admit their guilt a choice: years of jail time or enrollment in Faith’s 13-month New Beginnings program.

Diving Into Numbers

the blessings we don’t have enough of: family, community, hospitality. And sometimes we need more housing. 

Sunday Morning Medications

Soon after he entered OCRM, but left after 90 days and starting doing meth again, disappointing his son. But he returned in 2017, and this time he made his second chance work.

Searching for solutions

In July, walking around the fifty blocks of the Tenderloin, San Francisco’s fentanyl epicenter, I often saw notes like this one posted on lampposts: “Mimi—5’, 100 lbs.—we miss you terribly. Please call any family member. Please call 202 .” The Mimis are often hidden in tents, but even for a first-time visitor like me, the dealers and their deals were highly visible. Dealers, often teenagers in clean Nikes, walked alongside potential buyers. They did not just stand at particular corners, as a great streaming television series based in Baltimore, The Wire, showed: These dealers floated up and down a block. Police say they are independent contractors, trying to establish their own clientele, and earning $300 or more on an average day by selling mostly fentanyl but also meth,

One Size Does Not Fit All

Let’s take a one-week break from my reporting on California homelessness to celebrate this Big News! FR-6700-N-25! Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)! Maybe that sentence was MEGO to you (mine eyes glaze over) but it’s GOGOGO for government and nonprofit executives looking for federal dollars. The Department of Housing and Urban Affairs is passing out billions “in competitive funding to homeless services organizations across the country for supportive services and housing programs for people experiencing homelessness.” HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge announced, “As our nation faces a worsening housing crisis, it is imperative that we continue to invest in communities’ efforts.” Specifically, HUD is looking for projects that “end homelessness for all persons

It’s Friday, and Meth’s No Fun Any More

Let’s go back to the campus of the Orange County Rescue Mission (OCRM), where each formerly homeless student wears a lanyard that holds up an electronic ID card. The card is a key for his or her bedroom but also tracks whether and when the students show up at their class or work assignments. Freshmen — students in the first 3-5 months of what is typically an 18-month program — go through assessments of physical and mental health, educational and legal status, computer skills and financial understanding. They participate in therapy groups, work through three books in a Design for Discipleship series, and wear yellow lanyards. Sophomores wear green lanyards, get all the documents and character references they need to pursue a job, get help from Trinity Law School interns in