
Sunrise at the national mall

Time to Pull the Plug on the Department of Education

Whether ecstatic or demoralized about the recent election, Americans should all welcome a fresh review of how the federal government carries out its work. For too long, the massive federal bureaucracy has been allowed to grow while becoming less and less efficient in how it spends tax dollars. In fact, it would be an exercise in futility to name any government program in anyone’s lifetime that achieved its intended goals in the time frame predicted and within the budget allocated. This reinforces the principle that the government should be the last option to fix a problem, not the first. Perhaps the most glaring example of government ineffectiveness is the Department of Education (ED). Established near the end of the Carter Read More ›

Fallen Square Academic Caps

How College Wrecked Productivity and How to Fix It

New survey results reveal that Americans' satisfaction with their customer experiences today has fallen to the lowest level in at least a decade. This decline can be traced to two things: a stagnating level of worker productivity, and an education system failing to impart practical skills to the workforce. Read More ›
Image by Suiren 2022, licensed via Wikimedia Commons

College Campus Protests Are a Byproduct of K-12 Education

Tent encampments, violent protests, and defiant students are taking over the campuses of many of America’s most prestigious higher education institutions. In some cases, Jewish students have been forced to leave mid-semester, classes have been canceled or moved to remote only, and buildings have been barricaded by pro-Palestinian protesters. Read More ›
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Let’s Align High School to Workforce Needs

The perceived value of higher education has been plummeting for years, yet tuition prices continue to rise at levels outpacing the increased career earning power in several fields. Combine the financial cost and the misalignment of college courses with the labor markets, and it’s no surprise that traditional higher education is on the decline. Read More ›
Patriotic man, woman, and child waving American flags in the air.
Photo by kieferpix on Adobe Stock

We Must Build on Educational Freedom Election Wins

The highly anticipated "red wave" didn’t materialize in the midterm elections. Despite that disappointment, however, there were valuable victories for educational freedom. Credit is due to the parents who spoke out against school closures and political indoctrination taking precedence over academic learning. Read More ›
backside graduation hats during commencement success graduates of the university, Concept education congratulation. Graduation Ceremony ,Congratulated the graduates in University during commencement.
Photo by methaphum on Adobe Stock

Are College Rankings Rigged?

College and university ranking lists have an indisputable impact on the schools and powerful influence on prospective students. Yet, the U.S. News & World Report rating system may not be the most accurate reflection of the quality of the provided education. Read More ›