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Upcoming Conference to Explore Cosmic Mind and Divine Action
Philosopher and theologian Joshua Farris is hosting an online conference to examine Cosmic Mind, Divine Action, and Design-Engaged Theology.
According to Farris, “the event will focus on intelligent design and its implications for science-engaged theology. Collectively, it will make the case for a God who cares—and for what that means as humans seek to join God’s redemptive mission in crucial areas of human thinking, responsibility, and life.”
Featured speakers will include Discovery Institute philosopher of science Stephen Meyer, Biola University philosopher J.P. Moreland, and Stony Brook University neurosurgeon Michael Egnor. Meyer directs the Center for Science and Culture (CSC) at Discovery Institute, J.P. Moreland is a CSC Fellow, and Michael Egnor is a Senior Fellow of Discovery Institute’s Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence.
In the first plenary, Stephen Meyer will argue for the existence of an intelligent and transcendent God who has also acted in the course of cosmic history. Farris will then argue that the best explanation for the existence of the human soul is that God created each one individually. In the second part of the conference, Egnor, Moreland, and Charles Taliaferro will explore the implications of this perspective for key areas of life and research.
Cost is $15, and all are welcome to attend. For more information on how to register, visit the conference website.
Friday, April 14, 2023
10:00 AM CDT
Joshua Farris