- Date
- Feb28292020
- February
- 02
- Feb
- 28
- 28
- 2020
- Time
- 13:00:00
- Locale
- La Mirada, CA
- Venue
- Biola University
- Register
- Register
The Return of the God Hypothesis
Weekend Seminar with Dr. Stephen MeyerJoin us at Biola University for a weekend seminar with Dr. Stephen Meyer, director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture.
As you may well know, the scientific naturalist worldview still dominates the natural sciences, as well as philosophy and many other disciplines, in addition to other aspects of everyday life. However, several influential works have helped give rise to the credibility of intelligent design.
In this course, Dr. Meyer will explore three of his important publications that argue not only against the scientific naturalist worldview, but also in favor of intelligent design. The course will draw upon his groundbreaking work in Signature in the Cell, Darwin’s Doubt, and The Return of the God Hypothesis (forthcoming).
Friday, February 28, 2020
1:00 – 10:00 PM
Saturday, February 29, 2020
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Biola University
Business 109 – Moats Lecture Hall
13800 Biola Ave
La Mirada, CA 90639
General admission — $95.00
Student admission — $65.00
Megan Clark
(562) 906-4570