Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture

Addicted to Caricatures

(The journal Nature had Brian Charlesworth review my book No Free Lunch in its 11 July 2002 issue. I would repeat the entire article, but copyright restrictions prevent me. The article is available at to subscribers for free and to nonsubscribers for a fee. I respond to the article here.) One prominent evolutionist I know confided in me that Read More ›

3d illustration of helicobacter pylori bacterium
Licensed from Adobe Stock

Life’s Grand Design

Two people come to your door with a petition to give evolution some competition in the science classroom. One is a biblical literalist who wants genetics out and Genesis in. The other is a science professor with exquisite academic credentials, championing a compelling theory called intelligent design. He speaks in painful detail about the bacterial flagellum, whatever that is. Though Read More ›

Darwinism’s Predictable Defenders

The National School Boards Association enlisted Eugenie Scott and Glenn Branch to criticize intelligent design bullet point fashion. Here I want to respond to these bullet-point assertions. I would repeat the entire article, but copyright restrictions prevent me. The article is available at The article begins by asking whether intelligent design (or ID) has a legitimate place in the Read More ›

Life’s Grand Design

Two people come to your door with a petition to give evolution some competition in the science classroom. One is a biblical literalist who wants genetics out and Genesis in. The other is a science professor with exquisite academic credentials, championing a compelling theory called intelligent design. He speaks in painful detail about the bacterial flagellum, whatever that is. Though Read More ›

Sahelanthropus tchadensis Skull ( Toumai ) . Discovered in 2001 in Djurab desert in Northern Chad , Central africa . Dated to 7-6 million years ago
Sahelanthropus tchadensis Skull ( Toumai ) . Discovered in 2001 in Djurab desert in Northern Chad , Central africa . Dated to 7-6 million years ago

Latest fossil find: no proof of ape-like ancestry, Wells says

A chimpanzee-like skull in size and shape, a large brow akin to a gorilla and some human-like teeth — all features of the latest archaeological find, named “Toumai” — do not enhance the cause of Darwinian evolution. Jonathan Wells, one of the leading thinkers in the intelligent design movement, remains as doubtful of evolution as ever. “Proponents of Darwinian evolution Read More ›


This article appeared in a discussion on the topic of Intelligent Design published in the July/August, 2002 issue of Research News & Opportunities In Science And Theology. Other contributing writers included Karl Giberson, Michael Ruse, Michael Behe, Eugenie Scott, William Dembski, and Robert Pennock. In Joseph Heller’s classic novel about World War II, an aviator could be excused from combat Read More ›

ID Will Win in the End

his article appeared in a discussion on the topic of intelligent design published in the July/August, 2002 issue of Research News & Opportunities In Science And Theology. Other contributing writers included Karl Giberson, Michael Ruse, Michael Behe, Eugenie Scott, Jonathan Wells, and Robert Pennock. When the Athenian court convicted Socrates for subverting the youth of Athens, he was given the Read More ›

Michael Ruse is Just Confused!

This article appeared in a discussion on the topic of intelligent design published in the July/August, 2002 issue of Research News & Opportunity In Science And Theology. Other contributoring thinkers included Karl Giberson, Michael Ruse, Eugenie Scott, William Dembski, Robert Pennock, and Jonathan Wells. If nothing else, Michael Ruse has chutzpah. Let me tell a little story about blood clotting, Read More ›