
Center on Wealth & Poverty

Jewish Brain Power Fuels Israeli Technology

This article, published by CBN News, quotes Discovery Institute Senior Fellow George Gilder: In his new book, The Israel Test author George Gilder said Israel is hated because it is successful, free, and good. Jews throughout history have contributed to humanity disproportionately. For example, Jews make up a miniscule proportion of the world’s population but have produced more than 20 Read More ›

How to Lose Friends

This article, published in the Denver Post, quotes Discovery Institute Senior Fellow George Gilder: Noted intellectual George Gilder argues in his recent book, “The Israel Test,” that where you stand on Israel — not always, but in general — is an indication about how you feel about the ideals of liberty and capitalism. The debate over Israel, he claims, is Read More ›

Israel’s Other War

This article, published by Townhall, mentions Discovery Institute Senior Fellow George Gilder: That’s the supreme irony of George Gilder’s “Israel Test”: Religious Jews are among those who fail it. The full article can be found here.

Gilder Book a “Unique Contribution”

This article, published by The Jerusalem Post, quotes Discovery Institute Senior Fellow George Gilder: As American economic and technology guru George Gilder puts it in his new book The Israel Test, “The test of a culture is what it accomplishes in advancing the human cause – what it creates rather than what it claims.” The rest of the article can be Read More ›

What’s Israel Got to Do with It?

This article, published by National Review, discusses Discovery Institute Senior Fellow George Gilder: Bill Gates famously called George Gilder “very stimulating even when I disagree with him, and most of the time I agree with him.” The issues on which Gilder has staked out stimulating positions over more than 30 years as a writer and public intellectual are wide-ranging. The Read More ›

The Promise Land

This article, published by City Journal, provides a review of Discovery Institute Senior Fellow George Gilder’s book The Israel Test: It was serendipitous that I was in Israel when I read The Israel Test, the latest book from George Gilder, the high-tech guru and author of the classic Wealth and Poverty. Almost every day during the six weeks that I spent Read More ›

Tel Aviv business district
Israel, Tel Aviv financial business district skyline includes shopping malls and high tech offices.

Silicon Israel

The most precious resource in the world economy is human genius, which we may define as the ability to devise significant inventions that enhance survival and prosperity. At any one time, genius is embodied in just a few score thousand people, a creative minority that accounts for most human accomplishment and wealth. Cities and nations rise and thrive when they Read More ›

The Israel Test Review at Human Events

Make no mistake about it. George Gilder’s latest book The Israel Test is powerful. Persuasive and demands the attention of anyone seriously concerned with the future of our civilization as we know it. Gilder lays out in his opening paragraph exactly what he is going to be concerned with: “The central issue in international politics, dividing the world into two fractious armies, Read More ›

Big Business, If You’re So Rich, Why Aren’t You Smart?

The Wall Street Journal suggests bluntly what people in the pharmaceutical industry should have been asking for weeks: In the process of selling out on Health Care, has Big Pharma been sold out? Or has Big Pharma just sold out the public that counts on its ever-burgeoning cornucopia of new wonder drugs? That the industry has tried to cut a deal with the White Read More ›