
Hear the Great Debate on Intelligent Design!

You can now watch the video or listen to the audio of the unusually fair debate on intelligent design that took place on April 26th at Town Hall, Seattle. Participating in the debate were Dr. Peter G. Ward, noted University of Washington astro-biologist and co-author of Rare Earth, and Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, philosopher of science, Director of the Center for Science & Culture and author of Darwinism, Design & Public Education. The debate was sponsored by the Seattle Times and moderated by the Times’ political writer, David Postman. Over 880 turned out to hear and see it.

Reporters and columnists especially should listen to this as a real debate by scientists on the science of Darwinian evolution is almost as rare as life in the universe. Take time and hear it for yourself. This week, TVW is giving you the chance to watch this riveting debate from the comfort of your home. It appears on TVW (Channel 23) and will air Thursday, May 4, 8 p.m. (Click here to stream the video of the debate.)

Or you can listen to it now from our website:

Audio MP3 (89.8MB)

Or Download as Two MP3s—

Part 1-Audio MP3(47.2MB)
Part 2-Audio MP3(42.6MB)