Creation, life and intelligent design
A Letter to the Editor Original ArticleSir, Terence Kealey (Comment, December 18) says that proponents of intelligent design are “devilishly intelligent”. Since the British philosopher and former atheist Antony Flew has just washed up on to the shores of intelligent design, he too is now “devilishly intelligent”. What has his Faustian intellect uncovered?
Peering into the world of even the simplest functional, self-reproducing cell — the thing Darwinism needs before it can even begin to work — Flew finds a world of intricate circuits, miniaturised motors and enough digital code to fill an encyclopedia.
Natural selection can’t build this bit by bit. It needs life first. Nor can the natural outworking of the laws of nature. Flew and the rest of us are waiting for a detailed, credible description of how such complexity occurred without design. Bold assertions, prestigious degrees and handwaving don’t count. Yes, Dr. Kealey, let the classroom discussion begin.
Yours faithfully,
(Senior Fellow),
Discovery Institute,
1511 Third Avenue, Suite 808,
Seattle, WA 98101.
December 18.