Antony Flew


Not By Chance

In December 2004, a renowned British philosopher, Antony Flew, made worldwide news when he repudiated a lifelong commitment to atheism, citing among other factors, evidence of intelligent design in the DNA molecule. In December, the ACLU filed suit to prevent a Dover, Penn. school district from informing its students about the theory of intelligent design. And in February, The Wall Street Journal reported that an evolutionary biologist with two doctorates had been punished for publishing a peer-reviewed scientific article making a case for this same theory. More recently, the Pope, the President of the United States and the Dalai Lama have each weighed in on the subject. But what is this theory of intelligent design? And why does it arouse such passion and inspire such apparently determined efforts to suppress it? Read More ›

Creation, life and intelligent design

Sir, Terence Kealey (Comment, December 18) says that proponents of intelligent design are “devilishly intelligent”. Since the British philosopher and former atheist Antony Flew has just washed up on to the shores of intelligent design, he too is now “devilishly intelligent”. What has his Faustian intellect uncovered? Peering into the world of even the simplest functional, self-reproducing cell— — the Read More ›