Rep. Eddy’s HB 1481 To Expand Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Washington State Rep. Deb Eddy (D-48th) sponsored HB 1481, which passed the legislature in the recently-completed session and has been signed into law.
The bill contains numerous provisions to help accelerate the development of electric vehicle infrastructure and the use of electric vehicles in Washington state.
The “Green Highways” bill’s passage in Washington comes as the Seattle and Portland regions and the entire West Coast are stepping up their commitment to planning for electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and a “smart grid” electrical system that can optimally schedule vehicle charging loads, and add capacity for storage of renewable energy to power green vehicles and much more. Here is HB 1481, as passed by the state legislature. Some highlights follow.
The bill requires certain regional and state agencies to seek federal or private funding for planning how charging stations and related electric vehicle infrastructure would be included in publicly available off-street parking. The building trades industries would be closely consulted to ensure appropriate circuitry is used. Related planning work, according to the bill, should include an implementation plan for King, Pierce and Snohomish counties to have electric vehicle-ready 10 percent of public and private parking spaces by the end of 2018. Model ordinances would be developed guiding local governments in in siting and installing battery charging stations.
To the extent practicable, the state by year’s end 2015 must install a recharging outlet for electrical vehicles in each state-operated highway rest stop. The state must also provide an opportunity to lease space for the limited purpose of operating a battery exchange or charging station in appropriate state-owned highway rest stops. The bill also contains specific provisions to encourage development of electric vehicle infrastructure not only on, but also adjacent to major highways; and to compel state and local government subdivisions to convert to 100 percent bio-fuel or electric fuel in their vehicle fleets by as soon as June 1, 2015.
More information, from Cascadia’s 2008 “Beyond Oil: Transforming Transportation” conference – here.