
Steve Marshall, Anne Korin, Chelsea Sexton Radio Segment

Original Article

Here is the MP3 link. The segment ran between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. and included several calls from listeners.

The topic was moving beyond oil in surface transportation, which is the focus of an upcoming conference Sept. 4 & 5 in Redmond, Wash., sponsored by Cascadia Center, Idaho National Laboratory, Microsoft and others. Also discussed were the role of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and the “smart grid,” national security implications of U.S. dependence on foreign oil, fuel efficiency of electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and the role of major automakers.

Marshall is a Senior Fellow at Cascadia Center. Korin is chair of the Set America Free Foundation. Sexton starred in the film “Who Killed The Electric Car” and is a co-founder and board member of Plug In America.