
James Woolsey Video: The Case For Change

Beyond Oil: Transforming Transportation

Here is the link to the broadcast video by Washington State’s public affairs television channel, TVW, of “The Case For Change,” a presentation given on Sept. 5, 2008 by former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, at Cascadia Center’s “Beyond Oil: Transforming Transportation” conference in Redmond, Wash. Woolsey is introduced by U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert, via video. After Woolsey’s presentation, Woolsey is joined by Chelsea Sexton of Plug In America and K.C. Golden of Climate Solutions for a discussion. This TVW segment ends with “The Case For Bi-Partisan Action,” by Peter Jackson of The Jackson Foundations. To view, click on the link above or the screen embed below.

For air times of Sept. 5 Beyond Oil segments (for September, 2008) go to TVW’s site, and click on “TV Schedule” in the upper left-hand corner. Other TVW web video segments are linked below, under “More Sept. 5 ‘Beyond Oil’ Conference Video.”

Speaker PowerPoints and agenda here; media coverage here.

Cascadia Center thanks its “Beyond Oil” co-sponsors: Idaho National Laboratory; Microsoft; U.S. Department of Transportation; Washington State Department of Transportation; Puget Sound Clean Air Agency; and Pemco Insurance.

More Sept. 5 “Beyond Oil” Conference Video

Transforming Transportation Globally,” September 5, 2008 luncheon keynote address by Better Place CEO and founder Shai Agassi. Agassi’s topic is electric vehicle systems development, renewable energy, and breaking dependence on foreign oil. He is introduced by Tom Alberg, of Madrona Venture Group. Better Place is based in Silicon Valley, and Israel. Background: “Driven: Shai Agassi’s Audacious Plan To Put Electric Cars On The Road,” Wired, 8/18/08.

The Road Ahead,” Rob Bernard, Microsoft’s Chief Environmental Strategist. Bernard is preceded by Don Foley with an update on national “X Prize” car rallies, King County Executive Ron Sims, and the Discovery Institute’s President Bruce Chapman with welcoming remarks.

Future Of Transportation, Funding and Climate Change.” Joining moderator Slade Gorton of the National Transportation Policy Project are Paul Brubaker of USDOT’s Research & Innovative Technology Administration, David Kaplan of V2Green, WSDOT Sec. Paula Hammond, Bill Rogers of Idaho National Laboratory, and Neil Schuster of the American Assn. of Motor Vehicles Administrators. The panel discussion is preceded by a presentation from Admiral Dennis Blair of Securing America’s Future Energy.

Powering The Carbon-free Grid: Sun, Wind, Water, Waves, Atoms And Conservation.” Panelists are: Jim Walker, American Wind Energy Assn.; Paul Genoa, Nuclear Energy Institute; Kevin Bannister, Oregon Wave Energy Trust; Rich Lauckhart, Ventyx Energy Advisors; Jim Piro, Portland General Electric.