
Just the Facts Michael Flannery on Charles Darwin and Materialism – ID The Future Podcast

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On this episode of ID the Future, Brian Miller interviews historian Michael Flannery on how Charles Darwin’s background conditioned him to materialism, and how this influence impacted his development of the theory of evolution. Listen in to learn more about Darwin’s experiences at the University of Edinburgh with the Plinian Society, and his interaction with prominent atheists Aveling and Büchner near the end of his life.

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The ID The Future (IDTF) podcast carries on Discovery Institute’s mission of exploring the issues central to evolution and intelligent design. IDTF is a short podcast providing you with the most current news and views on evolution and ID. IDTF delivers brief interviews with key scientists and scholars developing the theory of ID, as well as insightful commentary from Discovery Institute senior fellows and staff on the scientific, educational and legal aspects of the debate.

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