Cambridge University researchers James Watson and Francis Crick made a startling discovery about the human genetic code when they found that the structure of the DNA molecule stores information in the form of a four-character digital code just like in a written language or a section of computer code. This is one of the great scientific discoveries of the past 50 years, that in biology its biological information that runs the show.
Information drives the development of life. But what is the source of that information? Could it have been produced by an unguided Darwinian process? Or did it require intelligent design? When you want to give your computer a new function what do you have to give it? New computer code to tell it what to do. Its nearly the same in living systems.
The Information Enigma is a fascinating 21-minute documentary that probes the mystery of biological information, the challenge it poses to orthodox Darwinian theory, and the reason it points to intelligent design. The video features philosopher of science Stephen Meyer, and molecular biologist Douglas Axe, founder of the Biologic Institute.
Abstract: Many origin-of-life researchers now regard the origin of biological information as the central problem facing origin-of-life research. Yet, the term 'information' can designate several theoretically distinct concepts. By distinguishing between specified and unspecified information, this essay seeks to eliminate definitional ambiguity associated with the term 'information' as used in biology. It does this in order to evaluate competing explanations for the origin of biological information. In particular, this essay challenges the causal adequacy of naturalistic chemical evolutionary explanations for the origin of specified biological information, whether based upon "chance," "necessity," or the combination. Instead, it argues that our present knowledge of causal powers suggests intelligent design or agent causation as a better, more causally adequate, explanation for the origin of specified biological information.
Abstract: For the scientific community intelligent design represents creationism's latest grasp at scientific legitimacy. Accordingly, intelligent design is viewed as yet another ill-conceived attempt by creationists to straightjacket science within a religious ideology. But in fact intelligent design can be formulated as a scientific theory having empirical consequences and devoid of religious commitments. Intelligent design can be unpacked as a theory of information. Within such a theory, information becomes a reliable indicator of design as well as a proper object for scientific investigation. In my paper I shall (1) show how information can be reliably detected and measured, and (2) formulate a conservation law that governs the origin and flow of information. My broad conclusion is that information is not reducible to natural causes, and that the origin of information is best sought in intelligent causes. Intelligent design thereby becomes a theory for detecting and measuring information, explaining its origin, and tracing its flow.