The Coolest Tech on the Planet (Hint: It’s Inside You!)
I, for One, Welcome Our New Robot Overlords
Should we fear the rise of ‘intelligent’ computers? In case you haven’t heard, the newest champion of “Jeopardy!,” the popular TV game show, is a computer. Watson, an enormous computer developed by researchers at IBM, was pitted against the two previous human champions, Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings. At the end of the first round, aired on Valentine’s Day, Jennings Read More ›
A Map to Nowhere
The principal actors had appeared in the White House last June — Francis Collins of the National Human Genome Research Institute, and J. Craig Venter of Celera Genomics. Now they were back with a supporting cast and a more detailed analysis, in the Capital Hilton Hotel, with the TV lights glinting off the ballroom chandeliers, 250 journalists packed into the hot Read More ›