
American flags on tombs of American Veterans on Memorial Day, Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky (Blur Effect)On National Register of Historic Places

Veterans Day Is A Call To Sacrifice, And Americans Who Love Liberty Must Answer

Veterans Day, which was originally founded around the virtue of the cessation of hostilities in World War I rather than the commemoration of any individual, should be a holiday beyond reproach.  Read More ›
USA, VA, Arlington. Gravestones at Arlington National Cemetary.

Veterans Day: Celebration of a Greater Love

The world remains as unsettled with bad actors as in previous times. Let us hope that present and future generations never forget the quote adapted by a modern statesman from Thomas Jefferson’s original that, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and a willingness to act in its defense.” Read More ›

Veterans Day: Celebration of a Greater Love

Veteran’s Day had its origin at the end of World War I in 1918, a conflict so horrendous that it was dubbed, “the Great War,” or “the war to end all wars,” with the United States playing the decisive role in the Allied powers’ final victory. It was first known as Armistice Day, celebrated on November 11 because that was Read More ›