tree of life

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In Evolution Debate Intelligent Design Passes the Richard Dawkins Test

Richard Dawkins has described a test that he predicted would prove evolution, but now, mounting scientific evidence shows that the same test instead proves intelligent design.  According to Casey Luskin, scientists have sequenced a great number of whole genomes and they know that Dawkins was wrong. Every gene does not deliver “approximately the same tree of life.” Read More ›
The spark of life, abstract fractal render for topics such as biology, evolution

The Top Ten Scientific Problems with Biological and Chemical Evolution

Is it true that there are "no weaknesses" in evolutionary theory? All one must do is examine the technical scientific literature and inquire whether there are legitimate scientific challenges to chemical and biological evolution. This article reviews some of this literature and the scientific challenges to Darwinian theory and chemical evolution therein. Read More ›
Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Stephen Meyer joins radio host Frank Turek to discuss Darwin’s Doubt

On Cross Examine with Dr. Frank Turek, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses his New York Times best-selling book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). For more information on the book and to order your copy visit

CSPAN’s BookTV Interviews Dr. Stephen Meyer on Darwin’s Doubt

CSPAN’s BookTV Interviews Dr. Stephen Meyer on Darwin’s Doubt

In an interview for C-SPAN Book TV with Peter Slen, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses his New York Times best-selling book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). For more information on the book and to order your copy visit


Icons of Evolution 10th Anniversary: Dr Jonathan Wells on Darwin’s Tree of Life

In Icons of Evolution, biologist Jonathan Wells compared icons of evolution — such as homology in vertebrate limbs — with published scientific evidence, and revealed that much of what we teach about evolution is wrong. Published in 2000, the book raised troubling questions about the status of Darwinian evolution that are still plaguing scientists today.


Icons Anniversary – Tree of Life

In Icons of Evolution, biologist Jonathan Wells compared icons of evolution –such as homology in vertebrate limbs– with published scientific evidence, and revealed that much of what we teach about evolution is wrong. Published in 2000, the book raised troubling questions about the status of Darwinian evolution that are still plaguing scientists today.

Die Sonne scheint durch große majestätische Eiche, Panorama Format
The sun shining through a majestic green oak tree on a meadow, with clear blue sky in the background, panorama format

A Primer on the Tree of Life

Evolutionists often claim that universal common ancestry and the “tree of life” are established facts. One recent opinion article argued, “The evidence that all life, plants and animals, humans and fruit flies, evolved from a common ancestor by mutation and natural selection is beyond theory. It is a fact. Anyone who takes the time to read the evidence with an Read More ›

Photo by Tadeusz Lakota

Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Upon learning of an employee’s defection to a rival company, one prominent CEO launched a chair across the room. Commenting on the incident in the Washington Post, eminent primatologist Frans de Waal noted that the CEO acted like an ape. But de Waal (and the Post for that matter) wasn’t kidding; he took this incident as further proof of common Read More ›

Illustration © Jody Sjogren, 2000

Icons of Evolution

Authored by developmental biologist and Senior Discovery Fellow Jonathan Wells, this book takes aim at 10 common “icons” used to bolster Darwin’s theory in widely used biology textbooks. The “icons” commonly cited to support evolution in textbooks turn out to be scientific urban legends, long-refuted fakes, or misrepresentations of the scientific data. One of the most famous “icons” discussed is Read More ›