Robert Marks & Zoltan Istvan Debate AI and Transhumanism
Is Transgenderism the First Wave of Transhumanism?
Wesley J. Smith Breaks Down the Left’s Push for “Human Unexceptionalism” With Laura Ingraham
The Impossibility of Christian Transhumanism
Darwinian Racism Webinar, Pt. 2
Google Does Not Believe in Life After Google
As the third and final speaker at the Dallas launch of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence, philosopher of technology George Gilder, author of Life after Google, offered some insights into the ultimate vision of the current AI technocrats. See also: “George Gilder: Life after Google will be okay“. “Seriously, the Google people do not believe that Read More ›
Transhumanism, the Lazy Way to Human ‘Improvement’
Sometimes you have to laugh. In “Transhumanism and the Death of Human Exceptionalism,”published in Aero, Peter Clarke quotes criticism I leveled against transhumanism from a piece I wrote entitled, “The Transhumanist Bill of Wrongs” From my piece: Transhumanism would shatter human exceptionalism. The moral philosophy of the West holds that each human being is possessed of natural rights that adhere solely and merely because we Read More ›
Is Society Now Adopting the Values of ‘Blade Runner’?
“Blade Runner” may be the most influential science fiction movie of my lifetime. The 1982 film starred a terrific Harrison Ford as a world-weary detective assigned to find a terrorist cell of artificially intelligent cyborgs with super human capacities. Led by Rutger Hauer, the cyborgs have traveled to earth from space colonies in a desperate attempt to force their designer Read More ›