The Lewis Legacy Issue 74

The Title and Epigraphs of Surprised by Joy

by John Bremer Authors give their works titles, or, at least, propose titles, which sometimes get accepted and sometimes not. The proposed titles of C.S. Lewis’s works had a mixed reception. His first book of poems Spirits in Bondage was originally to have been Spirits in Prison but was changed when Albert Lewis pointed out that there was already a Read More ›

From Scholarship to Huckstership

The remainder of Issue 74 is about something completely different, Stanley Mattson’s latest fundraising projects. His new phone number for potential donors is 1-888-CSLEWIS. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the launching of his C. S. Lewis Foundation, Mattson arranged a banquet and auction in a posh Orange County hotel and sent out formal invitations (with Frenchified spelling for an Read More ›