
Richard Sternberg Interview on Fossils

The National Geographic View of the Fossil Record is Wrong

Evolutionary biologist Richard Sternberg challenges what he calls the “National Geographic” or “textbook” view of the fossil record as a support for modern Darwinian theory. In this bonus interview released as part of the Science Uprising series, Sternberg unpacks what the fossil record really shows, what we learn from population genetics about Darwinian theory, and how the Darwinian mechanism can’t Read More ›



In Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose, learn about jumping insects with real gears, and the ingenious technology behind a power-punching shrimp. Enter the strange world of carnivorous plants. And check out a microscopic protein machine in a bird’s eye that may work as a GPS device by harnessing quantum entanglement. Join renowned Brazilian scientist Marcos Eberlin as Read More ›


Wandering Towards a Goal

How can a universe that is ruled by natural laws give rise to aims and intentions? Whether or not a human observer exists, the natural laws would continue to operate as they are indefinitely. The key difference between physics and biology is function or purpose. There is, in the standard scientific interpretation, no purpose in the existence of the Moonor an electron or in a collision of two gas particles. Read More ›
Complex Biological Systems - A Debate

Complex Biological Systems: A Debate, part 1: Stephen Meyer Presents

Intelligent design or theistic evolution? In this video, filmed at the 2013 European Leaders’ Forum in Wisla, Poland, Dr. Meyer debates physicist Dr. Ard Louis on the origin of biological systems. Meyer presents the evidence for intelligent design, while Louis maintains that neo-Darwinian processes played a key role in the development of complex life. Part 1 is Dr. Meyer’s opening Read More ›

Zegiestow, Poland. 2019/8/10. Stained-glass window depicting the Creation of the World with the words "And God said, Let us make..." Roman Catholic Church of Saint Anne.
Zegiestow, Poland. 2019/8/10. Stained-glass window depicting the Creation of the World with the words

Catholics and Intelligent Design

Part One In three chapters of God and Evolution, I respond to the criticisms of ID from certain, but by no means all, Thomists such as Ed Feser. Feser (whose work I generally hold in high regard) recently wrote a lengthy response to my arguments. Since Feser reiterates many of his previous arguments in this response, I’ve decided to post several excerpts Read More ›

Amazing bird Kingfisher.jpg
Amazing bird Kingfisher. Diving bird. Colorful nature background. Bird: Common Kingfisher. Alcedo atthis

Teleological Evolution

It is difficult to see what empirical content Lamoureux's teleological evolution has or how it differs in substance from standard Neo-Darwinism with its denial of any evidence of actual, as opposed to merely apparent, design. Read More ›

Miller and Behe on Origins

Ken Miller is a scientist who has been taking the lead as a critic of ID. Thus, I took a look at his review of Behe’s book, Darwin’s Black Box, found at There is really nothing in this review that I have not already replied to in [the ARN] forum. But there is one thing worth exploring in more Read More ›