How the Arts and Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature
How Modern Physics Reveals Purpose in the Universe
Michael Behe: Evolution, Devolution, Design
Brian Miller: The Surprising Relevance of Engineering in Biology
William Dembski: Why Intelligent Design Matters
Hank Hanegraaff Interviews Animal Algorithms Author Eric Cassell, Pt. 1
Discover the Science of Purpose. Atheistic scientists have lied about humanity’s intelligent design for centuries, and their lies have decayed our culture into the social dystopia continually ripening before our eyes. Life and death have purpose, and we belong to all of it, which the ancient Greeks understood as Telos, meaning “the end as it was intended.” Join Dr. Stephen Iacoboni, Read More ›
Jay Richards on the Art of Answering Evolutionists
In Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose, learn about jumping insects with real gears, and the ingenious technology behind a power-punching shrimp. Enter the strange world of carnivorous plants. And check out a microscopic protein machine in a bird’s eye that may work as a GPS device by harnessing quantum entanglement. Join renowned Brazilian scientist Marcos Eberlin as Read More ›