The Fight For Educational Freedom Is Just Warming Up
K-12 Schools are Not Preparing Students for the Workforce
K-12 Redesign: A Financial Overhaul
Every School
Exhuming the Peppered Mummy
A friend of mine tells me that the only things he remembers about evolution from his high school biology course are photos of black and white peppered moths resting on light and dark tree trunks. They were presented as the classic case of Darwinian evolution in action, explaining how a trait that enhances survival could be acquired through an unguided Read More ›
Darwinism, Design, and Public Education
Ohio Activists Chided for Trying to Dumb Down Evolution Education and Censor Science
SEATTLE – “Ohio critics of intelligent design now want to dumb down the teaching of evolution by censoring out scientific evidence challenging Darwinism and that is bad for students and bad for science education,” said Casey Luskin, program officer for public policy and legal affairs with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. “A lot of evidence surrounding evolution isn’t typically Read More ›
There You Go Again
The believers in Darwinian evolution who currently dominate our educational establishment think that all students — even those headed for careers in auto mechanics or real estate — should believe, as they do, that all of us are descended from ape-like creatures through genetic accidents and survival of the fittest. Promoters of this doctrine have recently been urging the Ohio State Read More ›