Darwin’s Rhetorical Foundation of Sand: Theological Utilitarianism

Evolution, Design, and COVID-19
Theistic Evolution and the Problem of Evil
In this clip, God and Evolution editor Jay Richards discusses the problem of evil and why Darwinian evolution does not resolve it, contrary to claims by some theistic evolutionists.
Problem of Evil
Jay Richards discusses the problem of evil for the theistic and theistic evolutionary perspectives. He notes the common answer that theists give: God allows man to have free will and this liberty brings evil into the world. The evolutionist’s answer to the question makes the problem more acute: God sent everything into existence at once and therefore could not create everything in perfect moral order right away.

The Gods Must Be Tidy!
When as a boy I read “The Scouring of the Shire” near the end of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, I could not understand why Tolkien felt the need to tack on such an anti-climactic and shabby bit of evil. Only later, as I began to notice modernity’s penchant for ugliness in the world beyond Middle Read More ›
Intelligent Design is not Optimal Design
I was recently on an NPR program with skeptic Michael Shermer and paleontologist Donald Prothero to discuss intelligent design. As the discussion unfolded, it became clear that they were using the phrase “intelligent design” in a way quite different from how the emerging intelligent design community is using it. The confusion centered on what the adjective “intelligent” is doing in Read More ›