Designed for Discovery

An Open Letter to the Amazing Randi
Dear Amazing Randi: I just read your widely publicized letter to the Smithsonian about its decision to air The Privileged Planet, Discovery Institute’s film on intelligent design. You find it “impossible to comprehend” why the Smithsonian has chosen to screen such a film. And, I see that you are willing to pay the Smithsonian Institute $20,000 so that they don’t Read More ›
Film Based on Professor’s Book Showing at Smithsonian
This article, published by Iowa State Daily, mentions a book by Discovery Institute Center for Science & Culture Senior Fellows Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards:
Read More ›A documentary based on an ISU professor’s book in support of Intelligent Design theory is planned to be shown at the Smithsonian Institute’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. later this month.
Assistant astronomy and physics professor Guillermo Gonzalez co-authored “The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery” in 2004 with Jay Richards, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute. The book and the documentary examine and express support for the controversial theory of Intelligent Design.
Photos From the National Premiere of The Privileged Planet
The Privileged Planet National Premiere at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History June 23, 2005 CSC Fellows Guillermo Gonzalez (left) and David Berlinski (right) greet guests as they arrive for the premiere. Discovery Institute President Bruce Chapman (left) speaking with guests before the film begins. Jay Richards (left) and Guillermo Gonzalez answered questions following the film. Following the Read More ›