
For Whom The Tolls Bell

Link to original editorialOregon is gearing up to build the biggest public works project in its history. Maybe. The state will make up its mind soon. Promise. For at least a dozen years, it’s been clear to everyone with a car and an appointment worth keeping that gridlock threatens to overwhelm the Interstate Bridge. The solution seems obvious: a new Read More ›

All Aboard Eastside Commuter Rail

This article, published by The Seattle Times, mentions Discovery Institute Fellow Bruce Agnew: Cascadia director Bruce Agnew has a better idea: Do both. Now. Agnew and his organization are longtime rail advocates, and they have lots of enthusiastic company. The rest of the article can be found here.

$6 Billion Columbia Crossing Bridge Project Will Require Tolling

An editorial yesterday by Vancouver, Washington’s daily newspaper, The Columbian, celebrates support voiced during a Portland-region visit last week by U.S. Rep. James Oberstar, U.S. House Transportation Committee Chairman, for the I-5 Columbia Crossing bridge improvement project. It’s a major regional priority due to congestion and safety problems on the current I-5 Interstate Bridge connecting Clark County, Washington and Portland, Read More ›