
young doctor standing with a stethoscope on a white backgro

The Problem with Shifting from ‘Evidence-Based’ to ‘Science-Based’ Medicine

We supposedly live in an era of “evidence-based medicine,” in which medical decisions are guided by the published data. But that approach is now being criticized because the “best evidence” is often in the eye of the beholder. Read More ›
Photo by Kendal

The Myth of “Darwinian Medicine”

Whether or not Darwinian hypotheses can be teased out of some medical advances, it is simply a fact that doctors and medical researchers pay no attention to Darwinian speculations in their work, and their work has been astonishingly successful. Would heart transplants work better if cardiac surgeons speculated about the Darwinian origin of the four-chamber heart? Read More ›

Dr. Bob’s RX for our Managed Care Mess

I’ve reached a conclusion about my friend, Dr. Bob. God made him without waiting for the environmental impact study. Dr. Bob Cihak (pronounced Chee Hawk) grew up in South Dakota and claims he didn’t know “bohunk” was an insult until long after he got to Harvard. “I’ve always considered it a compliment,” he avows, and still occasionally wears his “Bohunk Read More ›