Reporters, Question Yourselves

Steele Dossier: The Lie Told Around the World, Again

Great Minds Launches — Michael Medved and Screenwriter Randall Wallace on Hollywood Bias
And now for something completely different. Great Minds with Michael Medved, produced by Discovery Institute, launches today, and the first episode pays off on our promise that these podcasts will be something new, important, and exciting. Our host, a Discovery Institute Senior Fellow, is best known for his daily syndicated radio program with 4+ million listeners. Here, Michael spends twenty minutes Read More ›
Loeb, Johanson, Wilson: Leading Scientists Bloviate on What Nobody Knows
Nobody knows scientifically if aliens exist. Nobody knows scientifically what the meaning of life is, or the true content of morality. When scientists speculate on such things, their opinions may be interesting — after all, they are smart people — or maybe not. Read More ›

What NOVA Won’t Tell You about Dover

There’s Not Enough Bias in the Media!
It has only been whispered before, but finally an article in The Columbia Journalism Review publicly and overtly recommends a policy of bias in covering the evolution issue. Let us thank “Undoing Darwin,” by Chris Mooney and Matthew C. Nisbet, in CJR’s September/October issue. Here is a candid, unapologetic case for even greater media spin in reporting science issues and Read More ›

Getting the Facts Straight
Accuracy and objectivity are what we should expect in a television documentary – especially in a science documentary on a publicly-funded network. But the PBS Evolution series falls far short of meeting these basic standards. It distorts the scientific evidence, ignores scientific disagreements over Darwin’s theory, and misrepresents the theory’s critics. The series also displays a sharply biased view of Read More ›