Labor Day

Old and worn work gloves on large American flag - Labor day background

Labor Day Celebrates American Exceptionalism

Other than punctuating the end of summer, Labor Day has for many lacked meaning associated with other holidays. Properly understood, it is the holiday that celebrates not only labor, but also the ideas, job creators, and institutions central to the flourishing of the United States and its people. Read More ›

Labor Day: Celebrating the Vision of Human Flourishing

For most people, Labor Day is a rather vague holiday without the clarity and meaning typically associated with other holidays. Yet in its most complete context, Labor Day should be recognized as the holiday that celebrates not only labor, but also the ideas, job creators, and institutions central to the flourishing of the United States and its people. Read More ›
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Scott Powell: Labor Day Is A Celebration Of American Exceptionalism

Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Scott Powell joined Tipping Point with Kara McKinney to discuss the history and meaning behind Labor Day. Powell reminds us that Labor Day should be recognized as the holiday that celebrates not only labor, but also the ideas, job creators, and institutions central to the flourishing of the United States and its people. Read More ›
A serious worker man and american flag

Labor Day Honors Exceptionalism That Won’t Be Cancelled

For most, Labor Day can be a rather vague holiday without the clarity and meaning typically associated with other holidays. Yet in its most complete context, Labor Day should be recognized as the holiday that celebrates not only labor, but also the ideas, job creators, and institutions central to the flourishing of the United States and its people. Read More ›