Dr. Casey Luskin vs Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale: Is the Human Genome Largely Junk DNA?
Dr. Casey Luskin, scientist and attorney with the Discovery Institute and Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale (Aka CreationMyths), biologist and professor, discuss just how much of the human genome is “junk”, if “junk” DNA really even exists, and the methodology of Discovery Institute’s “Intelligent Design” research programs. Additional Resource:
A Battle of Predictions: Junk DNA’s ‘Kuhnian’ Paradigm Shift
Brian Miller: The Surprising Relevance of Engineering in Biology
William Dembski: Why Intelligent Design Matters
Darwin’s Rhetorical Foundation of Sand: Theological Utilitarianism
The ENCODE Embroilment: Research on “Junk DNA” Verifies Key Predictions of Intelligent Design
The Theory of Intelligent Design from the Point of View of a Philosopher of Science
Interview with biochemist Stephen C. Meyer, a philosopher from the Discovery Institute in the USA 00:29 | What is intelligent design theory? 01:33 | Is intelligent design theory empirically testable? 02:38 | Does intelligent design theory lead to scientific predictions? 04:36 | Can intelligent design theory be the basis for new research? 06:58 | Is ID theory religiously motivated? 08:10 Read More ›
Neo-Darwinism’s Catch-22: Before Evolving New Features, Organisms Would Be Swamped by Genetic Junk
The article by physicists David Snoke, Jeffery Cox, and Donald Petcher begins by observing that in order to produce a new system, evolution first needs to try lots of new things. It must generate many, many variations upon which natural selection can act in order to “find” something useful to retain. But that comes with a potentially fatal cost. Read the rest at Evolution News & Views.
What’s your function function?
The myth of junk DNA continues to unravel. Almost daily (sometimes twice daily) new peer-reviewed articles are appearing in the scientific literature pointing out the functions of previously believed to be “non-functioning” or junk DNA. CSC’s Research Coordinator Casey Luskin says: “When we look for function, we find it, and when we don’t look for function, someone else finds it.” Read his report at Evolution News & Views.