Discovery Institute Welcomes Jonathan Choe as Senior Fellow

Discovery Institute Welcomes Former White House Correspondent as New Chapman Center Fellow

There’s Not Enough Bias in the Media!
It has only been whispered before, but finally an article in The Columbia Journalism Review publicly and overtly recommends a policy of bias in covering the evolution issue. Let us thank “Undoing Darwin,” by Chris Mooney and Matthew C. Nisbet, in CJR’s September/October issue. Here is a candid, unapologetic case for even greater media spin in reporting science issues and Read More ›

Why Is the Level of Discourse So Low?
Discussion of economic policy matters among politicians has sunk almost to the level of a frat house food fight. There are several reasons for this sorry state of affairs. First, there is an appalling level of ignorance among many political leaders about economic fundamentals. For instance, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle recently blamed the recession, in part, on the president’s Read More ›