John Miller

The Man Who Could Be King

The Man Who Could Be King

This lecture was recorded as part of Discovery Institute’s Gorton Series Lecture. Former U.S. Congressman John R. Miller discusses his new book The Man Who Could Be King, a historical novel about George Washington’s struggle over whether to heed the call of his officers to become king. Archived August 28, 5:00 pm Event Page at TVW

Senior Fellow John Miller Writes at The Seattle Times: Why Not a Free-Trade Pact With the U.K.?

Senior Fellow John R. Miller, former U.S. Representative and ambassador-at-large in the George W. Bush administration from 2002 2006,discusses new opportunities for trade brought about by the U.K.’s recent vote to exit from the EU. The next president, whoever it shall be, will have a tremendous opportunity to undo the damage Obama has done to British-American relations. Read Miller’s op-ed at the Seattle Times website.

uk flag gov building
flag of UK on government building

Why Not a Free-Trade Pact With the U.K.?

The most embarrassing moment I had as a congressman from the 1st District of Washington was in the 1980s when I paid a visit to the then-British ambassador to the U.S., Sir Antony Acland. At a time back in the 80s when the U.S. was considering a free-trade agreement with Mexico and Canada, I suggested a free-trade agreement between the Read More ›

On Human Bondage

[Note: John Miller, mentioned below, was the immediate past chairman of the board of directors at Discovery Institute.]WHEN SEN. SAM BROWNBACK of Kansas heard President Bush address the U.N. General Assembly last week, he was taken by surprise. Bush spent several minutes urging international action against human trafficking, an issue Brownback has followed closely in the Senate, but one you Read More ›

The Crusader

From the In the Northwest roundup column, on Discovery board chairman John Miller The crusader: As a Seattle congressman from 1984 to 1992, Republican John Miller spoke out against both his city’s and his administration’s foreign policy. He denounced human rights abuses by the Sandinista rulers of Nicaragua at a time when Seattle political and religious figures were acting as Read More ›

Congress to Classroom:

A native of New York City, former Washington state Rep. John Miller attributes his relocation to Seattle to a fourth-grade geography book. In the book, there was a page on each section of the country, recalled Miller. The page on the Puget Sound showed a picture of trees with misty rain coming down. The paragraph on the Puget Sound area Read More ›