The Gathering Middle Eastern Storm: Israel’s Dilemma — Part Four
A Biden Second Term Threatens Freedom of Religion
Scott Powell on Securing America with Frank Gaffney
Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Scott Powell joined Frank Gaffney’s TV program Securing America with Frank Gaffney to go over a wide array of topics. The two of them discussed some of the inflammatory rhetoric from President Biden’s “Soul of the Nation” speech, the limits of globalism, whether the United States is really a “Democracy,” and much more. Watch Part 1 Read More ›
Defending Catholic Healthcare
$130 Billion & First 100 Days
Remedy for Election Irregularities and Vote Fraud is Found in the Constitution
Will it be the Hammer or the Constitution that Determines the People’s Vote?
Extortion Day
Biden’s Laptop Problem
Oh, those pesky laptop computers, and the problems they create for corrupt politicians in election years! Just two or three weeks prior to the Presidential election in 2016, it was files on the Anthony Weiner laptop that became public as the subject of an FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton, which helped seal defeat in her 2016 Presidential bid. This year, less Read More ›