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Asking for assistance, optimism and survivor desperation to contact the world conceptual idea with a message in a glass bottle with a cork washing away on sandy beach with the ocean in the background

A Slightly Technical Introduction to Intelligent Design

Intelligent design — often called “ID” — is a scientific theory that holds that the emergence of some features of the universe and living things is best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process such as natural selection. ID theorists argue that design can be inferred by studying the informational properties of natural objects to determine if they bear the type of information that in our experience arises from an intelligent cause. Proponents of neo-Darwinian evolution contend that the information in life arose via purposeless, blind, and unguided processes. ID proponents argue that this information arose via purposeful, intelligently guided processes. Both claims are scientifically testable using the standard methods of science. But ID theorists say that when we use the scientific method to explore nature, the evidence points away from unguided material causes, and reveals intelligent design. Read More ›
Portrait handsome bearded man wearing glasses black shirt.Man sitting in vintage chair university library, reading book and relaxing. Blurred background.Horizontal, film effect.
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Essential Readings

10 Essential Books (Science) 5 Essential Books (Science and Culture) 10 Essential Articles “A Scientific History and Philosophical Defense of Intelligent Design”Stephen C. Meyer “Are We Alone?”Jay W. Richards & Guillermo GonzalezThe American Spectator “Science & Design”William DembskiFirst Things “DNA and Other Designs”Stephen C. MeyerFirst Things “Molecular Machines: Experimental Support for the Design Inference”Michael J. BeheCosmic Pursuit “Intelligent Design is Read More ›

How Do We Know God Created Life? by MELISSA CAIN TRAVIS

How Do We Know God Created Life?

Thomas has been looking forward to this field trip for weeks! His mom is guiding a group tour of the new insect exhibit at the Museum of Natural Science. Thomas and his friend Sophie are awestruck by the displays, but they have questions when one exhibit claims that butterflies evolved the special ability to transform from caterpillars without a pre-determined Read More ›

Creative concept for website and mobile banner, internet marketi
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Intelligent Design: A Brief Introduction

Intelligent design (ID) studies patterns in nature that are best explained as the result of intelligence. Is that radio signal from outer space just random noise or the result of an alien intelligence? Is that chunk of rock just a random chunk of rock or an arrowhead? Is Mount Rushmore the result of wind and erosion or the creative act of an artist? We ask such questions all the time, and we think we can give good answers to them. Read More ›
Monkeys gazing at each other
Monkeys gazing at each other
Photo by Sophie Dale at Unsplash

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design

If you want a book full of fascinating anecdotes and straight-talk about the debate over Darwinism and intelligent design, written by a credentialed biologist with enjoyable writing skills, this truly is the book for you. Read More ›
Audience raising hands up while businessman is speaking in training at the office.
Audience raising hands up while businessman is speaking in training at the office.

Top Questions and Answers About Intelligent Design Theory

The Center for Science and Culture answers some of the most common questions about intelligent design: What is the theory of intelligent design? Is intelligent design theory the same as creationism? Is intelligent design theory incompatible with evolution? Read More ›
Design concept for different categories of design such as graphic and web design, logo, stationary and product design, company identity, branding, marketing material, mobile app, social media.
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Book Review: Design Theory and its Critics

The present book - Intelligent Design Creationism and its Critics - is intended as a sourcebook of materials from both sides of the present debate. The editor, Robert T. Pennock, who is a vocal critic of ID, takes it that ID claims fail more or less on all fronts, and while giving both sides a platform, intends for the present volume to make ID's untenability (as he sees it) amply clear. Read More ›
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A sculptor sculpts a sculpture of a person's face. Horizontal frame
Image Credit: Алексей Еремеев - Adobe Stock

Encyclopedia Entry on Intelligent Design

Intelligent design begins with a seemingly innocuous question: Can objects, even if nothing is known about how they arose, exhibit features that reliably signal the action of an intelligent cause? To see what’s at stake, consider Mount Rushmore. The evidence for Mount Rushmore’s design is direct — eyewitnesses saw the sculptor Gutzon Borglum spend the better part of his life Read More ›