
Students In Science Class
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Darwin in the Classroom

After months of debate, the Ohio State Board of Education unanimously adopted science standards on Dec. 10 that require Ohio students to know “how scientists continue to investigate and critically analyze aspects of evolutionary theory.” Ohio thus becomes the first state to mandate that students learn not only scientific evidence that supports Darwin’s theory but also scientific evidence critical of Read More ›

3d rendered medically accurate illustration of the equine anatomy - the skeleton
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Alan Gishlick and the NCSE

Apparently, Gishlick has decided that the icons of evolution are not simply mistakes that can be corrected or ignored; instead, they must be defended at all costs. Read More ›

Critics Rave Over Icons of Evolution

When my book Icons of Evolution was published in 2000, critics greeted it with rave reviews. I have been truly amazed at the outpouring of warmth from some of my fellow scientists, who have been trying to outdo each other in the superlatives they bestow on my work. In my case, however, “rave review” doesn’t mean extravagant praise, but wild Read More ›

Rubber Lizards

Survival of the Fakest

If you had asked me during my years studying science at Berkeley whether or not I believed what I read in my science textbooks, I would have responded much as any of my fellow students: puzzled that such a question would be asked in the first place. One might find tiny errors, of course, typos and misprints. And science is always discovering new things. But I believed — took it as a given — that my science textbooks represented the best scientific knowledge available at that time. Read More ›

Don’t take God out of the Classroom

On Valentine’s Day, 2001, the Kansas Board of Education voted to change the state’s science teaching standards to emphasize evolution and the Big Bang theory in the teaching of how life began on earth. The current board members have overturned a 1999 set of science standards that were passed by a more conservative board. The conservative board, in an effort Read More ›