HOT Lanes Expansion Urged
The report featured Cascadia Center Director Bruce Agnew, and aired repeatedly in the late afternoon through evening drive, and the next day (Saturday). Longer version: .wav file (minus intro & outro) Short version: .wav file (minus intro & outro)
Cascadia’s Rails And Trail Campaign Catching Attention
This article, published by the Woodinville Weekly, mentions the Cascadia Center of Discovery Institute: But in recent weeks, the transportation policy think tank known as Cascadia Center, ( has stepped up its save the rails campaign. The rest of the article can be found here.
Is It Rail Time Or Trail Time?
This article, published by the Woodinville Weekly, quotes Discovery Institute Fellow Bruce Agnew: Bruce Agnew, director of the Cascadia Center, said, “When the public is presented with facts about the 100-foot-wide rail corridor they say, ‘Well, of course it should be rails and trails. Why would public employees rush to rip up rails?’”
Perhaps the Next Big Idea Is… Auto-Mobility
In a recent tour of the transportation policy horizon, Seattle Times’ editorialist James Vesely offered an intriguing observation. “Environment-first groups have the big idea on their side But the other side has no competitive big idea. They talk capacity while the greens talk about how we live.” Transit theologians have hammered at the notion that auto use is morally wrong. Read More ›