Leap Before You Look
I helped Bruce Chapman form Discovery Institute some 25 years ago and over that period, if I may use the term, it has evolved. Bruce and I believe that this evolution expresses an intelligent design, a unified vision that transcends the various programs at Discovery Institute. We do not only believe in intelligent design in the universe; we believe such a design manifests itself across the sciences and pervades economics and culture. Not only is God the creator; but human beings are creative in his image, in the image of the creator. This is a scientific proposition, following the insights of a great new science called information theory. Information theory upholds the idea of a hierarchical universe and underlies all Read More ›
More Than a Think Tank
A Brief History of Discovery Institute
“Discovery Institute is a center for national and international affairs based in Seattle… Our programs are all inspired by a firm commitment to individual liberty, representative democracy, free enterprise, technological advancement, internationalism, and the enduring moral principles of civilized society… We think that good public policy requires healthy doses of exploration, civilized debate, and—above all—common sense about both the possibilities …
New Podcast on Intelligent Design Launched by Center for Science & Culture
Click here to subscribe to the new IDTF podcast.Click here to see past podcasts and links to additional information. With their website and blogs receiving more than 25,000 visitors a day, Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture is launching a new podcast on intelligent design and evolution. The ID The Future (IDTF) podcast carries on the Center’s mission of Read More ›