historical figures

I Have A Dream...
I Have A Dream...

Martin Luther King Jr.: More Relevant Than Ever

Few American leaders have remained as clearheaded about the dangers of groupthink as King. He reminds us of Emerson’s words: “Whoso would be a man must be a non-conformist.” And drawing on Apostle Paul’s teachings, King implored that, “Any Christian who blindly accepts the opinions of the majority and in fear and timidity follows a path of expediency and social approval is a mental and spiritual slave.” Read More ›
Oregon trail wagon
Oregon Trail near Baker City Idaho

Washington State History Often Neglects this Heroic Puget Sound Country Pioneer

Test yourself: who was he? In most ways he was a self-made man, a well-to-do farmer from Missouri who assisted other frontiersmen on the Oregon Trail. Most noteworthy, he was the determinative leader of the first pioneer settlement in Puget Sound country in 1845. His homesteading helped the United States establish the future national identity of this whole region. One Read More ›