George washington

Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore National Monument near Keystone, South Dakota on July 26, 2013.

Washington And Lincoln Wouldn’t Recognize America Today

America is being assaulted on many more fronts than at the time of the American War of Independence. Our challenge today is one of commitment. The founders were willing to give their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish independence and create a new nation. We are called to do no less to save this country. Read More ›
George Washington Boston
Boston Public Garden

How The Declaration Of Independence Inspired George Washington’s Underdog Army To Win

Originally published at The Federalist Most Americans celebrating the July 4 holiday today don’t fully realize that the power of ideas in the Declaration of Independence was the critical enabling factor for the Americans to win the War of Independence. Compared to the British professional military, the American colonial army was simply no match—it was undermanned, underfunded, underequipped, inexperienced, and Read More ›

Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore National Monument near Keystone, South Dakota on July 26, 2013.

Presidents Day: Washington and Lincoln as Relevant Today as Ever

Presidents Day is unique among American holidays in providing the opportunity to remember and appreciate why George Washington and Abraham Lincoln — whose birthdays fall in February — were the two greatest U.S. presidents. While Washington was the founding father of the United States, Lincoln would later save the nation from division and collapse — bringing an end to the Civil War and the scourge of slavery. In short, Lincoln saved the republic that Washington made possible. Read More ›
The Man Who Could Be King

The Man Who Could Be King

This lecture was recorded as part of Discovery Institute’s Gorton Series Lecture. Former U.S. Congressman John R. Miller discusses his new book The Man Who Could Be King, a historical novel about George Washington’s struggle over whether to heed the call of his officers to become king. Archived August 28, 5:00 pm Event Page at TVW

Photo by Ben Noble

The Original American Idol

Today we merge Washington’s birthday with the birthdays of other presidents and submerge them all in clothing and appliance sales. But it was not always so. Americans in past centuries celebrated Washington’s birthday as a winter version of the Fourth of July. Americans in Cambridge, Williamsburg, Richmond and Milton, Conn., were already celebrating Washington’s birthday even before the end of Read More ›