
Israel and Ukraine official flag transborder contract UKR ISR

Israel’s Coming Attack Will Also Assist Ukraine

The next battle in the Middle East may be played out in the skies above Iran. The outcome obviously is meant to help Israel, but may well assist Ukraine, too. If "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," Israel and Ukraine are friends already, and even quiet allies. Read More ›
American Flag At Sunset

Threats to the United States now at a Whole New Level

It turns out that nations do not stumble into wars and conflict. Wars are generally the result of globalist forces with ulterior motives or political leaders who seek to shore up and protect their political position by demonizing a target, like Russia, and then rallying the people’s support around the enemy of that target, like Ukraine, in the name of patriotism and American interests. Read More ›
Tel Aviv skyline off the shore of the Mediterranean sea - Panoramic aerial image

Myth and Reality of Israel’s Success

Allysia Finley of the Wall Street Journal does us all a favor in her column, "Our enemies are the CEO’s…Our comrades are in Gaza," describing the labor Union SEIU units that are seeking to portray Israel’s vital and pathfinding  economy as the product capitalism and colonialism. They get the historical facts wrong, she writes, quoting at length from George Gilder. Read More ›