education policy

Bored High School Pupil Slumped On Desk In Classroom

It’s Past Time for a K-12 Redesign

K-12 public education, already in crisis pre-COVID-19, is on a steep downward trajectory — with the severe lack of instruction time, staggering learning loss, alarming dropout numbers, and serious student disengagement. With half of the schools closed nationwide a full year without providing in-person instruction, and only returning with reduced instruction hours despite heaps of additional funding, it’s overdue time for a K-12 redesign. Read More ›
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school bus lettering, school bus sign.

Election Implications for Education

Although other issues, such as the economy, coronavirus, law and order (or the lack thereof), healthcare, and a host of climate-related topics, have taken center stage, the election has implications for education. Read More ›
Drawing tools lying over blueprint paper
Drawing tools lying over blueprint paper close-up

Preparing to Reopen Schools

The American Enterprise Institute just released its Blueprint for Back to School report. The blueprint provides crucial insights that can guide policymakers, education and community leaders, and federal officials in their planning to reopen schools. We at ACTE recommend taking it further. Read More ›
Man in black and white polo shirt beside writing board

Louisiana Confounds the Science Thought Police

To the chagrin of the science thought police, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal has signed into law an act to protect teachers who want to encourage critical thinking about hot-button science issues such as global warming, human cloning, and yes, evolution and the origin of life. Opponents allege that the Louisiana Science Education Act is “anti-science.” In reality, the opposition’s efforts Read More ›


Darwinism, Design, and Public Education

This balanced volume contains essays by both supporters and critics debating intelligent design and whether design should be allowed in public school science classes. The scholars approach the question from the standpoints of constitutional law, philosophy, rhetoric, education, and science. Read More ›

Discovery Calls Dover Evolution Policy Misguided, Calls For Its Withdrawal

SEATTLE, DEC. 14 – The policy on teaching evolution recently adopted by the Dover, PA School Board was called “misguided” today by Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, which advised that the policy should be withdrawn and rewritten. “While the Dover board is to be commended for trying to teach Darwinian theory in a more open-minded manner, this is Read More ›

Vinings Neighborhood with downtown skyline in the back, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
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Cobb County (Georgia) School Board Promotes Academic Freedom, Not Religion

Praising the adoption Thursday night of a policy encouraging the “discussion of disputed views” about evolution in Cobb County, Georgia schools, Discovery Institute President Bruce Chapman called the decision “a victory for academic freedom and good science education” and faulted critics of the policy for “trying to mischaracterize the controversy as a battle over religion.” “The policy adopted by the Read More ›

denied word stamp on white paper with red ink
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Deny, Deny, Deny

After Congress adopted a landmark statement in December calling for students to be exposed to a diversity of views when topics “such as biological evolution” are taught, a pro-Darwin group is absurdly trying to claim victory through creative reinterpretation of the legislative record. In the Conference Report attached to the education reform bill passed in December, Congress declared that “where Read More ›