design inference


How Biology Confirms Design

As molecular biologist Douglas Axe recalls, the Greek philosopher Gorgias (born about 483 BC) spent a lifetime pondering the nature of existence. At last he arrived at a firm conclusion: “Nothing exists.” In a presentation at the 2020 Dallas Conference on Science & Faith, Dr. Axe used Gorgias to illustrate his point that “expertise does not necessarily drive you in the right Read More ›


Secrets of the Cell, Episode 1: Someone Must Have the Answer!

Discover the amazing world of micro-machines inside our cells — and learn about biochemist Michael Behe’s personal quest to understand what brought them about. Further Exploration Use the links below to explore more about the issues raised in this episode. More about Michael Behe Michael Behe biography Michael Behe books and articles VIDEO: Michael Behe: Up Close and Personal VIDEO: Read More ›

Cicero, the greatest orator of Ancient Rome.jpg
Cicero, the greatest orator of Ancient Rome. Marble statue in front of Palace of Justice in Rome (with grey background)

Cicero on Intelligent Design

Stoicism was a philosophy that was founded in Athens in 300 BC and became popular in the Roman Empire among such leaders as Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. In these selections from Cicero’s On the Nature of the Gods (45 BC), Cicero outlines the basic Stoic argument about design in nature. The selections come from Book II, chapters XXXVII, XLIV, and XLVII. Who Read More ›

Image of Parthenon (Acropolis) from below
Photo by Hans Reniers on Unsplash

Plato on Intelligent Design

The Greek philosopher Plato (429-347 BC) was an early proponent of intelligent design. Plato’s views on design in nature can be found, among other places, in Book X of his dialogue The Laws and in the following selection from his dialogue Philebus. The latter dialogue was written in 360 BC, and the translation reprinted here is by Benjamin Jowett. The complete text of Philebus Read More ›

Methodology on Business Folder in Catalog.
Methodology on Business Folder in Multicolor Card Index. Closeup View. Blurred Image. 3D Render.

The Scientific Status of Design Inferences

Scientific practice assumes that the universe, in both its origin and function, is a closed system of undirected physical processes. While many scientists reject this assumption as the ultimate truth, they still think that it is essential for science to function as if it were true. This means that they have accepted methodological naturalism as a necessary constraint on their practice as scientists. Methodological naturalism is the doctrine that in order to be scientific, an explanation must be naturalistic, that is, it must only appeal to entities, causes, events, and processes contained within the material universe. Even if we grant that this restriction on permissible explanations has been a fruitful strategy for science, we must still ask whether it is methodologically required by science. Read More ›