defining creationism


The Theory of Intelligent Design from the Point of View of a Philosopher of Science

Interview with biochemist Stephen C. Meyer, a philosopher from the Discovery Institute in the USA 00:29 | What is intelligent design theory? 01:33 | Is intelligent design theory empirically testable? 02:38 | Does intelligent design theory lead to scientific predictions? 04:36 | Can intelligent design theory be the basis for new research? 06:58 | Is ID theory religiously motivated? 08:10 Read More ›

Close up of sunflower. Detailed sunflower with its seeds anf fibonacci sequence.
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Intelligent Design Coming Clean

1. Cards on the Table In the movie Dream Team starring Michael Keaton, Keaton plays a psychiatric patient who must feign sanity to save his psychiatrist from being murdered. In protesting his sanity, Keaton informs two New York City policemen that he doesn’t wear women’s clothing, that he’s never danced around Times Square naked, and that he doesn’t talk to Read More ›