Creative Freedom, Not Robots, Is The Future Of Work
Can training for an AI future be trusted to bureaucrats? We hear so much about how the artificial intelligence revolution and machine learning robots will gobble industrial era jobs that we don’t notice the digital era jobs unfilled. The Officially Smart people are telling us two scenarios, good and bad, about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI), says Jay Richards, Read More ›

Robert J. Marks II on One Thing Only Humans Can Do
In a panel discussion at the Dallas launch of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence, the Center’s director, Baylor Professor of Computer Engineering Robert J. Marks, offered some thoughts on the evening’s topic, “Will “Smart” Machines Take Over Our Jobs?”

Economist George Gilder on Capitalism, Socialism, and Google
Life After Google author George Gilder explains the role of creativity in capitalism as he shares economic insight on Life, Liberty & Levin. Learning, he says, is the heart of capitalism. Whereas capitalism is about creativity, socialism is about planning and rests on the assumption that we already know everything we need to know in order to plan our future.

Surprise and Creativity
Why in the world do we need yet another “new” economics? Jamming the libraries and the bookstores of the world are avatars of what must be every variation on the great themes of market and managerial economics. Scores of Nobel Prizes have been awarded for various nugatory refinements of the prevailing ideas. All these schemes, however, fail to answer the Read More ›

The Gods Must Be Tidy!
When as a boy I read “The Scouring of the Shire” near the end of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, I could not understand why Tolkien felt the need to tack on such an anti-climactic and shabby bit of evil. Only later, as I began to notice modernity’s penchant for ugliness in the world beyond Middle Read More ›