
Fight the Good Fight

Fight the Good Fight

Hard choices lie ahead, Christians. The bestselling team of James Robison and Jay Richards show what’s at stake in our post-Christian society, how to prepare, and why we must never forget that the battle, above all, is spiritual. Our rulers have kicked aside our Constitution and common sense. They have demonized our heroes. Now they’re trying to erase the difference Read More ›

United States Constitution with quill, glasses and candle holder

Constitution Day: Liberty Once Lost May be Lost Forever

Constitution Day, which falls on September 17, is the national observance holiday that most Americans have never heard of. Yet this year, 2022, it may well be our most important holiday to understand, for almost all our most pressing national problems today are a result of corruption and departure from governance and law enforcement consistent with the Constitution. Read More ›
Magnifying lens (loupe) looking at
Photo by Anthony Garand at Unsplash.

Constitution Day is Our Most Important Forgotten Holiday

Constitution Day, which falls on September 17, is the national observance holiday that most Americans have never heard of. Yet this year, 2018, it may well be our most important holiday. For the Constitution is threatened more now than at any time since seven Southern states seceded from the Union and Civil War broke out on April 12, 1861. To …

Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Stephen Meyer on the Michael Medved Show discusses materialism and how it affects our constitution

On the Michael Medved show, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses the conflict between the materialistic worldview espoused by such thinkers as Darwin, Marx, Freud, and the principles articulated in the Constitution. Stephen Meyer is the author of The New York Times best selling book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). For Read More ›

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Presenter Giving Presentation at Conference with Investors and MBA Students. Speech during Workshop Teaching Business Tech. Executive Coach Training Corporate Manager. Businesswoman at Pitch Event.

Teaching About Evolution in the Public Schools

A new approach to teaching about evolution has been developed to meet the test of good science and satisfy the courts’ standards of constitutionality. "Teach the controversy" is tje idea is to use scientific disagreements over evolution to help students learn more about evolution, and about how science deals with controversy. Read More ›

Do U.S. Scientists Have a Right to Perform Human Cloning? Note: Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute and a special consultant to the Center for Bioethics and Culture. His next book, Consumer’s Guide to a Brave New World, will be released this fall. DOES THE FIRST AMENDMENT guarantee the right to conduct research into human cloning? The question seems silly. But, according to the Read More ›

Saving Iraq… from the U.N.

Last Saturday, French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin “proposed a radically new approach” that would take control of Iraq from the U.S. (surprise) and give it to the U.N. He demanded that an Iraqi provisional government be established within a month, a constitution written by the end of the year, and elections held by the spring of 2004. Iraq does Read More ›