
Hamburger and french fries

Why In-N-Out Burger Is What Vibrant Conservatism Tastes Like

What is conservatism? Ask 10 people and you’ll get 10 different answers. In our confused American moment, knowing what conservatism is and what it isn’t will help us find clarity, invite sanity back into the public square, and give us a better chance to cure what ills our United States. Read More ›
Liberalism and Its Discontents

Liberalism and Its Discontents

In this webinar, Center on Wealth & Poverty Director Christopher Rufo speaks with Professor Patrick Deneen about his most recent book Why Liberalism Failed, the civil unrest sweeping the nation, and the upcoming election. Patrick J. Deneen is Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame and has written four books, including The Odyssey of Political Theory, Democratic Faith, Conserving America?, and Read More ›

Darwinism and Conservatism: Friends or Foes?

Click here to watch the video.Click here for to listen to the audio. There is a growing debate among conservative thinkers and pundits about whether Darwinian theory helps or harms conservatism and its public policy agenda. Some have argued forcefully that Darwin’s theory provides support for conservative positions on family life, economics, bioethics, and other issues, while others have countered Read More ›

Book cover of Darwin's Conservatives by John G. West

Darwin’s Conservatives

Dr. West addresses how Darwin’s theory, contrary to its conservative champions, manifestly does not reinforce the teachings of conservatism. According to West, Darwinism promotes moral relativism rather than traditional morality. It fosters utopianism rather than limited government. It is corrosive, rather than supportive, of both free will and religious belief. Read More ›
Photo by Lucas Sankey
America flag short from underneath

Darwin’s Conservatives

The debate over evolution is usually framed by the media as a political fight of left versus right. But a small cadre of conservative commentators and scholars, such as George Will, Charles Krauthammer, John Derbyshire, and Larry Arnhart, have become defenders of Darwinism. Darwin’s Conservatives: The Misguided Quest asks whether conservatives-traditionally known as the champions of personal responsibility, family values, Read More ›

Photo by Lucas Sankey
America flag short from underneath

An Interview with Dr. John West on Darwin’s Conservatives

This is an edited transcript of a recent interview with Dr. West about his latest book, Darwin’s Conservatives and the strange relationship between some conservatives and Darwinism. The interview originally was broadcast on ID The Future on November 3, 2006. A number of conservatives, such as George Will, James Q. Wilson, and Larry Arnhart, recently have been defending Darwinian biology, Read More ›

Think tanks Instrumental Weapons in Conservative Arsenal

Polls show that the public primarily blame Republicans in Congress, rather than President Clinton, for the recent (and future?) government shutdown. Those who blame both sides equally think that the battle is merely “political” in the worst sense. At the state level, Referendum 48, the property rights initiative, was soundly defeated earlier this month by a margin of 60-40. Is Read More ›