Christopher Rufo

demostrator with megaphone and notebook protesting
Unidentified young demostrator with megaphone and notebook protesting against austerity cuts

Free Speech, Fair Speech Vs. Woke

Free speech in American life is protected by the First Amendment—when the government is involved—but also by a broader understanding that differing views should be heard and respected in private academic settings, at meetings open to the public, and even in corporate settings. Read More ›
Still from America Lost by Christopher Rufo (CC-BY-ND)

‘America Lost’ Premiering Tonight on PBS World

Check out Director of Discovery Institute's Center on Wealth and Poverty Christopher Rufo's newest film tonight on PBS World. The film will air at 6 PM and again at 10 PM (pacific time). If you are unable to catch the film tonight or can't find it in your area, the film is also available for free online. Read More ›
President Trump at the White House Conference on American History
President Donald J. Trump signs the Constitution Day, Citizenship Day, and Constitution Week 2020 Proclamation Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020, during the White House Conference on American History at the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C
Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian

Christopher Rufo in the Wall Street Journal: The Truth About Critical Race Theory

Moderator Chris Wallace asked President Trump during last week’s debate why he “directed federal agencies to end racial-sensitivity training that addresses white privilege or critical race theory.” Mr. Trump answered: “I ended it because it’s racist.” Participants “were asked to do things that were absolutely insane,” he explained. “They were teaching people to hate our country.” Read More ›