Cambrian explosion


Darwin’s Doubt

When Charles Darwin finished The Origin of Species, he thought that he had explained every clue, but one. Though his theory could explain many facts, Darwin knew that there was a significant event in the history of life that his theory did not explain. During this event, the “Cambrian explosion,” many animals suddenly appeared in the fossil record without apparent ancestors Read More ›

Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Does Darwinian Evolution Disprove the Existence of God? Stephen Meyer on The Ben Shapiro Show

On this short but informative interview on KTTH’s The Ben Shapiro Show, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses the compatibility of science and religion and explains why intelligent design provides a more satisfying explanation of the evidence than the neo-Darwinian selection/mutation mechanism. Meyer also outlines arguments raised by his new book Darwin’s Doubt. More information is available at

A Cosmological Argument for God’s Existence, pt. 4

A Cosmological Argument for God’s Existence, pt. 4

In this special series of The John Ankerberg Show, Dr. Stephen Meyer presents a cosmological argument for God’s existence. In part 4, Dr. Meyer summarizes new evidence from cosmology showing the universe had a beginning and is finely tuned for life on Earth to exist. He also presents theism as the worldview best explained by the scientific evidence. Videos posted Read More ›

Charles_Robert_Darwin_by_John_Collier Public Domain WP Header

Does Intelligent Design offer a plausible Account of Life’s Origins?

We count on scientists to tell us what they know and don’t know—not just what they want us to hear. But when it comes to the contentious issue of the evolution of life on earth, spokesmen for official science are often less forthcoming than we might wish. Read More ›
microphones for radio presenters in the radio room
Photo by Roman Ribaliov on Adobe Stock

Dr. Meyer Debates Paleontologist Charles Marshall on Premier Radio

In November 2013, Stephen Meyer debated paleontologist and UC Berkeley professor Charles Marshall about Darwin’s Doubt and intelligent design. An engaging and timely discussion! Stephen Meyer is the author of The New York Times best selling book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). For more information on the book and Read More ›

Stephen Meyer & Eric Metaxas Discuss Darwin’s Doubt at Socrates in the City

Stephen Meyer & Eric Metaxas Discuss Darwin’s Doubt at Socrates in the City

In September 2013, Dr. Meyer joined host Eric Metaxas for a stimulating conversation before a live audience about Meyer’s bestselling book Darwin’s Doubt. Video courtesy Socrates in the City. Posted with permission.

Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Stephen Meyer Debates Michael Ruse on Public Radio’s Interfaith Voices

In this audio feature, Michael Ruse engages Dr. Stephen Meyer’s in a lively discussion about Meyer’s new book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Rise of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design on public radio’s Interfaith Voices. For more information on the book and to order your copy visit

Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Stephen Meyer on Point of View with Kerby Anderson

Dr. Stephen Meyer talks about the issues with Natural Selection to explain the massive growth in animal body types during the Cambrian Explosion. On Point of View, Kerby Anderson interviews Dr. Meyer on his New York Times best selling book, Darwin’s Doubt The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). For more information on the Read More ›

Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Dr. Meyer joins RC Sproul to discuss growing skepticism of Darwinian evolution among scientists

On Renewing Your Mind with Chris Larson, Ligonier Ministries founder R.C. Sproul discusses with Dr. Stephen Meyer his new book, Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). For more information on the book and to order your copy visit

Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Stephen Meyer joins radio broadcaster Al Kresta to discuss evolution and intelligent design

On Ave Maria Radio, Al Kresta hosts a discussion with Dr. Stephen Meyer about his New York Times best-selling book, Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). For more information on the book and to order your copy visit