Cambrian explosion

Michael Medved Microphone

The Origin of Animal Life

No question is greater or more ultimate than that of our origins as living creatures. Darwinian theory tells the story of our origins one way. Biblical creationists tell another. Does that exhaust the possibilities? Stephen Meyer, doesn’t think so. Trained in the philosophy of science at Cambridge University, Dr. Stephen Meyer directs Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. Meyer’s first Read More ›

The Information Enigma

The Information Enigma

Information drives the development of life. But what is the source of that information? Could it have been produced by an unguided Darwinian process? Or did it require intelligent design? The Information Enigma is a fascinating 21-minute documentary that probes the mystery of biological information, the challenge it poses to orthodox Darwinian theory, and the reason it points to intelligent Read More ›

Stephen Meyer Responds to Critics: Matzke

Meyer Responds to Critics: Matzke Part 1

Stephen Meyer addresses Nick Matzke’s quickly formed critique of Darwin’s Doubt. Matzke’s critique of involved the field of cladistics. Matzke claims that you can use cladistics to establish “collateral” ancestors of the forms seen in the Cambrian explosion. For more information about Darwin’s Doubt and Stephen Meyer, visit

Meyer Responds to Critics - Marshall

Meyer Responds to Critics: Marshall, Part 3

Stephen Meyer discusses his radio debate with Charles Marshall. The debate was very substantive and addressed a number of topics related to the Cambrian explosion including the validity of self-organizational processes as an explanation for the Cambrian explosion. For more information about Stephen Meyer and his New York Times bestseller Darwin’s Doubt, visit

Meyer Responds to Critics - Marshall

Meyer Responds to Critics: Marshall, Part 1

Stephen Meyer responds to another critic of his book, Charles Marshall. Marshall is a Cambrian paleontologist who reviewed Darwin’s Doubt in the journal Science. Marshall, unlike other reviewers, addressed the main argument of the book, the information problem. Although he addressed this argument, he didn’t refute it, but merely presupposed sources of information, begging the question. For more information about Read More ›

Surprised by Praise

Surprised by Praise

In this video, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses the positive response he received to Darwin’s Doubt. Many prominent scientists praised his work on the Cambrian explosion. Learn more about the debate over darwinism and the growing evidence for intelligent design at

Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Meyer on the Janet Mefferd Show Discussing Darwin’s Doubt

Stephen Meyer is the author of The New York Times best selling book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). Guest host Dr. Frank Turek interviews Meyer on the Janet Mefferd show about the arguments raised in Meyer’s book. Meyer discusses the evidence present in the fossil record to affirm Darwin’s Read More ›

Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Stephen Meyer Talks Origins, Evolution, More on “The X Zone”

Has the mystery of our origins been solved? How is the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Life) program related to intelligent design? In an interview with Rob McConnell, Dr. Stephen Meyer answers these questions and discusses Darwin’s doubts on the nationally syndicated show “The X Zone.” For more information on Meyer’s research, and to order your own copy of Darwin’s Doubt, Read More ›

Meyer Responds to Critics of Darwin’s Doubt

Meyer Responds to Critics of Darwin’s Doubt

If the publication in 2013 of Stephen Meyer’s book, Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design, tells us anything, it’s that the evolution debate in fact continues. More than that, like a storm, it is gathering strength and advancing steadily. Darwin’s Doubt was a major step forward. Now the controversy has advanced still Read More ›