Buck v. Bell

potato head
funny potato head with face

The Mr. Potato Head Constitution

As Senate hearings gear up for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, an old question is again current: Is the U.S. Constitution a “living document”? Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes first popularized the idea of the Constitution as protean organism in a 1920 Supreme Court case, Missouri v. Holland. There he argued that judges should have broad interpretative latitude in their efforts Read More ›

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3D rendering of an artificial insemination or in-vitro fertilization of an egg cell,ovum or zygote
Photo by Giovanni Cancemi on Adobe Stock

Deadly Medicine

As the congressional debate over embryonic stem cell research reignites after the Easter recess, few will recall the passing anniversary of another great bioethics debate. Only one century ago, eugenics – the attempt to improve the human race through better breeding – was all the rage in the scientific world. And this spring marks the centenary of the world’s first Read More ›